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Discipline(s) : Anglais

Enjeux géopolitiques et économiques en Amérique du Nord

Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 24h

Langue(s) d'enseignement

Libellé inconnu



This seminar investigates the question of geopolitics within the geographic space of the North American continent. We will look at the ways in which the relations between the North American countries —Mexico, Canada, and the United States of America— have been constructed.
The course isolates a particular set of topics and considers the questions of foreign policy, borders, immigration, ethnicity and language, and the ways in which historical changes have affected the population of the three countries at both political and personal levels.


12 séances


Une brochure contenant des textes et articles étudiés sera fournie en début de semestre.

Manuels conseillés :
Carroué, Laurent et Didier Collet, Canada Etats-Unis Mexique, un ancien Nouveau Monde, Bréal, 2012
Cohen, Saul Bernard, Geopolitics of the World System; Rowman & Littelfield Publishers, Inc, 2003. Chapter 3, 4 & 5

Sites web et ouvrages :
The New York Times :
The Washington Post :
The Wall Street Journal :
Newsweek :
Kaplan, Robert, The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate, 2013

Contrôles des connaissances

Contrôle continu (50%) : test, présentation, devoir à la maison, participation
Examen final (50%)

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