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Discipline(s) : Anglais

Culture & Media in the English-speaking World

Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 30h
Volume horaire CM 12h
Volume horaire TD 18h


M. John DEAN


This course offers a tantalizing initiation into the power and language, the glory & squalor, the celebrities and heroes of English-speaking culture & media.


Everywhere out there in the real & imaginary world English-language culture & media has dominated communications for at least four generations now Why?  How? What happened – and what’s next? Multiple & deeply fascinating are the reasons both rational & emotional. Hence the purpose of our riveting course is to uncover and decode the nitty-gritty of what makes up cultural, mediated communication:  movies, music, body language, celebrity culture, popular heoes & advertising.  A whole bunch of great stuff which together we shall analyze, enjoy, and learn about with depth, precision & subtlety. Thank you.


John Dean, Popular Culrure (1992)
John Dean, American Mass Media (1997)

Contrôles des connaissances

One Final Exam.

Informations complémentaires

This course wiull have one obligatory CM & be limited to 3 TDs, each TD with a ceiling of 25 students.